B.Sc (Monash), B.E. (Hons) (Monash), M.Eng.Sc. (Monash)
He has since been involved in design and operation of an advanced network testbed and simulation cluster, taught industry training courses, consulted on network design for institutions including Museum Victoria and researched topics including ATM, video conferencing and next generation IP.
He is a contributor to IETF and IRTF Working Groups in the field of IPv6 Mobility, concentrating on protocol enhancements to allow fast handovers.
Research Interests
Next Generation Internet, Wide Area Networking, ATM traffic characteristics, Network performance evaluation, Broadband network design, Video-on-Demand and Video Conferencing over carrier ATM networks, Digital Media Library.
The current focus is on Movement Detection and Mobility in IPv6 networks.
This work is supported by ATcrc Applications program
Selected Publications
Daley, G., Pentland, B., Nelson, R., "Movement Detection Optimizations in Mobile IPv6", The 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks, Sydney, September 2003, ICON2003.
G. Daley, B. Pentland and R. Nelson "Effects of Fast Router Advertisement on Mobile IPv6 Handovers", Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2003), Kemer, Turkey, June/July 2003.
Cornall, T., Pentland, B., Pang, K., "Improved Handover Performance in Wireless Mobile IPv6", 8th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, Carlton Hotel, Singapore, Nov, 2002.
Cornall, T., Pentland, B., Egan, G., "Digital Media Library Project: Video on Demand for Schools", International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia and Distance Education, Baden-Baden, Germany, Aug, 1999.
Pentland, B., "Gateway requirements for desktop video systems". Master's thesis by research, Monash University, 1997
Internet Drafts
J. Kempf, M. Khalil, and B. Pentland. "IPv6 Fast Router Advertisement". July, 2004. Draft 00 posted April, 2002. http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/ipv6/draft-mkhalil-ipv6-fastra-05.txt
B. Pentland, G. Daley and JinHyeock Choi, "Router Advertisement Link Identification for Mobile IPv6 Movement Detection". Work in Progress, October 2004. http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/ipv6/draft-pentland-mobileip-linkid-03.txt
N. Moore, J. Choi, B. Pentland. "Edge Handovers for Mobile IPv6". July, 2004. Draft 00 posted February, 2004. http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/ipv6/draft-moore-mobopts-edge-handovers-01.txt
N. Moore, J. Choi, B. Pentland. "Tunnel Buffering for Mobile IPv6". July, 2004. http://www.watersprings.org/pub/id/draft-moore-mobopts-tunnel-buffering-00.txt
G. Daley, B. Pentland, E. Nordmark. "Deterministic Fast Router Advertisement Configuration". July, 2004. http://www.watersprings.org/pub/id/draft-daley-dna-det-fastra-00.txt