Download Page
Updated June 12, 2003
Downloadable items on this page are copyrighted© and may only be used for personal, non-commercial or educational use. They cannot be resold or republished in any form.
Hearn Brothers 2003 Poster/Plans : 'Sportster'



How do I turn these downloads into decals for my model ?
The editors have attempted address this matter locally (Australia) but strangely, found we needed to look overseas for both info. and materials.
Our best solution is currently [01/03] JetCal Inkjet Decal Paper. The site includes well written how to and Q&A pages and offers secure electronic payment facilities.
We have no connection with 'Jet Cal' and are only providing this information as a service to our readers. [Ed.]
Hearn Brothers 2003 Poster/Plans : 'Eagle 1'


Hearn Brothers 2003 Poster/Plans : 'Eagle 2'


Hearn Brothers 2003 Poster/Plans : 'Eagle 2' Power Conversion


Download A4 [932Kb] | A3 [1.1Mb]
Some points of interest about these CoF 2003 Poster/Plans
The "Sportster", "Eagle 1" and "Eagle MkII" 2003 CoF 2003 Poster/Plans are digital reconstructions of vintage, 'on-paper' plans sourced from the archives of the Hearn family and their friends. The age and condition of the plans necessitated assembly from a number of 'best bits' to make a new 'whole'.
CoF 2003 Poster/Plans are presented on our site in 1:1 scale and may require the services of a local copy shop to download the file to make an A1 or A0 (zero) print.
If you wish to make a smaller than 1:1 scale version of either of the above please also advise local copy shop to print a scaled down version to your size requirements eg. A2, A3 etc.
As this project is unfunded, postal distribution of 'on-paper' plans is not possible. Resources such as these will only be released as website based, downloadable files.
Whilst we are aware that some aeromodellers may not have access to the Internet, we trust that through the goodwill of their fellow club members and colleagues who do have access, they will be able to share in access to these web-based resources.
The "Sportster", "Eagle 1" and "Eagle MkII" were designed over 50 years ago, a time of a very significant transition in the history of Aeromodelling - the evolution from 'Free Flight' to R/C piloting. They were nominated by the Hearn Brothers and family as being some of their personal favourites with a reputation of being easy to build and a history of good flight performance.
In terms of materials and construction techniques, we have seen radical changes in aeromodelling in the last 50 years. Feel free to incorporate these changes, and use these tribute 'Classic' designs as a basis on which to re-build a model which is a reflection your personal preferences in building and flying style.
Duigan Pusher 3view 2003 Poster/3view

If any modeller wishes to create and donate to the site a CAD version of this 3view we would be most grateful as would other potential builders of this unique aircraft. Full credit to the modeller will of course be given
A further set of drawings including a wonderful skeletal view is also available for download
A comprehensive listing of their activities 1909-1913 including photographs of the Pusher of 1910 can be found in links from the Duigan Gallery pages.

download the above logo in the following sizes
350pixels |
500pixels |
1000pixels |
2000pixels |
Other points of interest
Over the next few months additional information about modifications, building and flying these models will be provided on this site.
Some modellers are already at work re-furbishing and modifying "Sportsters" and "Eagles" which have been languishing in their home hangers for many years or sharing with their children and grandchildren - a project to build an Australia Classic.
Others have taken up the challenge of being the first to build an authentic SCALE REPLICA of the Duigan Pusher. (We live in hope of a 1/4 scale for a memorial flight on the very plot of land where the original flights took place)
The Australian Electric Flight Association (AEFA) have been presented with the challenge of creating SMALL 'Park Fly' and 'Indoor Fly' versions which make use of recent advances in micro radio control systems.
The Victorian Association of Radio Modeller Soarers (VARMS), one of the biggest R/C clubs in Australia, propose to adopt the "Eagle 1/2" as the club's 'model build project' for 2003. They have also been challenged to build a more powerful "Sportster" to act as a TUG for aero-towing others' Sportsters and Eagles.
The Monash University Aerobotics© (airborne robots) group have been challenged to build a SMART Sportster and use it to demonstrate some of the applications they have development for U.A.V's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
October 2003 : The FLY IN TRIBUTE month - it is proposed that clubs and individuals 'fly in tribute' during this period acknowledging both the pioneering achievement of the first successful flight/s of the Duigan Pusher and those who were inspired to follow them into a life-long association in aeromodelling and flying such as the Hearn Brohers. Keith, Jack and Bruce.
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