![]() Museum of Australian Aeromodelling First | Previous | Next Updated December 16, 2002
![]() Originally compiled by Jim Fullarton between 1947 and 1952, we hope others like it still exist and with the help of Jim (still actively flying), present similar cuttings from these other volumes. download a 1000pixel image of the cover
![]() John Lamont, Aug., 1950
![]() Flying Pencil, Aug., 1950 download a 1000pixel image
![]() Flying Pencil, Aug., 1950 download a 1000pixel or 2000pixel plan
![]() Radio Control - at last, Dec., 1950
About the Museum of Australian Aeromodelling The Museum of Australian Aeromodelling is a 'virtual' on-line exhibition published on the Internet as a subsite of the Monash University, Lawrence Hargrave website Statistics show that as part of the 'Hargrave' site, the museum has a potential audience of some 500,000 visitors a year and that this may well rise to 1 million by the end of 2003. In the the jargon of the World Wide Web, the site receives annually some 5 ->10 million so called 'hits' Submission of items for the Museum The Museum will formally be opened for visitors on January 1, 2003 (The Centennial of Flight). This allows us time to gather together a collection worthy of international publication. If you have a model (or models) which you consider is/are of historic significance and worthy of inclusion in the museum, please contact the curators by email providing a brief description of the model(s) or object(s) and 100 -200 words or about its/their place in Australian Aeromodelling history. If the curators consider the item(s) suitable for display, you will be provided with a more detailed outline of the format in which the items should be submitted. Submissions for inclusion must be in a digital format (computer data files suitable for emailing) and by sending this information, the contributor grants permission for the item(s) to be placed on public exhibition in the 'virtual' museum. If your submission(s) are model(s) or object(s), please photograph them with a digital camera, or use a traditional film camera and scan the prints. Most local photo outlets offer scanning facilities at reasonable prices and can at time of processing save them to a CD as digital files suitable for eMailing etc. If your submission(s) are flat objects eg: photographs, newsprint etc, use a flatbed scanner to create the data file(s). Convert any printed text to a word processor file using OCR software (Optical Character Recognition) often 'bundled' with the scanner's operational software. The curators will design the exhibition/presentation and the person(s) who have donated the resource material will be given a final approval viewing of their exhibit before it is seen in public.
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