What sort of things should I look out for when buying a hovercraft?
If you are buying a manufactured hovercraft, around 12 ft, or, 4 metres long then most manufacturers, having been in the business for years know their designs capabilities. But for hovercraft over 4 metres the ball game changes dramatically for hovercraft over this size.
If you want to build your own hovercraft and have little or no experience, then I suggest that you buy a set of plans from Universal or another source, like Nell Fabrication in NSW Australia, There is much to learn and no one to help you if you attempt to design a hovercraft yourself, Don't Do It, you will waste valuable flying time fixing things. --- Go flying in a proven hovercraft.
If you are looking at, and want to buy a used hovercraft, one that works because you have tested it, loaded and unloaded then I suggest the following:
Check the hull underneath for damage, particularly between the skirts. I know a person who purchased hovercraft which had a large piece of branch sticking out of the hull under/between the skirts, apparently the previous owner had crashed into a submerged tree and didn't know the damage was done, or perhaps, didn't care.
I have owned hovercraft in which the buoyancy foam had absorbed water making the hull twice the weight, it was difficult to lift the craft by hand. You cannot get rid of the water without replacing the buoyancy foam and the chemical reaction between the wet foam and the hull material can cause rot. Also, the foam deteriorates with vibration.
Some things to check.
Check the engine mountings for vibration damage check the engine mounts for damage, is the engine loose.
Check the seams and the edges where water can enter the hull.
Check between all of the skirt fingers
Check the hull for damage underneath and where the skirts attach.
Check the duct for prop wear and vibration damage.
Check the thrust fan for chips and damage, If it has a multiwing fan , are the blade tips and duct worn, if it has a thrust prop, are the tips chipped or waterlogged, is the guarding strong and not rusted away.
Check rudders and steering mechanisms for wear.
Check the electrical system, do the switches, lights work., do the motor/s shut down and start easily, does the battery charger work.
Is the seating firm, upholstery cracked or worn.
Is the fuel tank firmly mounted and no fuel leaks, is the fuel hand pump soft and pliable or is it hard and cracked.
Does the craft hover Ok - loaded and unloaded are the skirt fingers damaged.
Is there any vibration with the motors running.
Is the craft easy to get on and off the trailer.
If surveyed, is the survey current, is the equipment in order, Life jackets, fire extinguisher, paddles, torch, other.
eMail Hovergo SG for more information