UAV 'Duigan' - Glide trials and first test flights
October 10, 2002
Photography - Prof. John Bird and Dr Russell Naughton
This page records the first unpowered test glides and subsequent powered test flights of the first 'all Monash University' UAV.
The aircraft has been named after the Duigan brothers, John and Reginald, who, in 1910 built and flew the first all-Australian aircraft.

Ray Cooper pilots a 'power off' test glide

Prof. John Bird filming Brian Taylor on retrieval

Ray Cooper, Bungee launch

Ray Cooper, Bungee launch

UAV 'Duigan' under power
L-R : Brian Taylor (filming), Ian Reynolds, Dr Andrew Price (hidden) Ray Cooper (pilot), Paul Jenkins and Prof. Greg Egan

UAV 'Duigan'

UAV 'Duigan'

UAV 'Duigan' and some of the Monash Aerobotics team
L-R: Dr Andrew Price, Brett Pentland, Prof. John Bird, Brian Taylor Paul Jenkins, Ray Cooper, Prof. Greg Egan and Ian Reynolds
Not shown Terry Cornall and Dr Russ Naughton (Photo)