DSS - IPv6 Streaming Proxy support research at CTIE

Under the ATcrc Project 1.2 Advanced Video communications, Daniel Grimm has been slowly porting the Apple OpenSource Darwin/quicktime Streaming Server to support IPv6. As part of that project, the streaming proxy has been rewritten using the socketcc class libraries and had additional features added:

  • Support for source IP address different from server ip address
  • Has no packet loss when a QuickTime/Darin Streaming Server V4.1xx has Reliable UDP feature turned on (default Apple proxy has approximately 40% packet loss!)
  • Can act as IPv4 (servers) to IPv6 (players) gateway!
The proxy has been tested to work on linux, macosx10.1.5 and should also be supported on solaris, macosx10.2-jaguar.
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RTSP/RTP Streaming Proxy (linux & macosx10.1.5 and other socketcc supported platforms) See this Diagram for an example of use (prepared for ATcrc Conference Oct 2002 Related information - See Socketcc classlibrary download the streaming proxy [not available yet]
MPEG4ip Proxy support Replace this file in player/..../rtsplib Works for mpeg4ip0.9.5 on linux, but not tested on other platforms. Note: you need to replace the proxy address and port with the address/port of your streaming proxy crude proxy support source code

Contact: Daniel Grimm for more information on these projects.